Shock Cord Assemblies
Distinguished by their exceptional durability and performance, our shock cord assemblies at Ibex Marina Ropes are designed for a variety of applications, including managing tension, suspension, and security.
Our range also includes power springs and power bands. Their precise tolerances mean they are able to provide excellent elasticity and strength, and they can be specified similarly to steel tension springs.
Shock Cord Assemblies Products
Power Springs
A range of stainless steel and aluminium end fittings are used as standard, but customised end options can be fitted to meet application demands.
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Power Bands
Power Bands have Stainless Steel, Galvanised Steel, Nylon or Aluminium thimble(s) and are bonded with 2 servings of whipping to ensure strength under heavy loads.
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SP Assemblies
SP Assemblies are made to British Standard BS3SP 170-171. This standard covers both heavy duty (BS3F70) and light duty (BS3F71) shock cords with diameters ranging from 3mm to 16mm.
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Commercial Standard Assemblies
We manufacture a vast array of assemblies using commercial shock cord, for use in a host of industries…
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For our power bands, you can choose from stainless steel, galvanised steel, nylon, aluminium thimbles, or soft whipped eyes. Each of our power bands is reinforced with two servings of whipping for extra strength under heavy loads. They are widely used in the defence sector, and are also a notably popular choice for leisure, adventure, and industrial applications. They can also be customised or designed with input from individual clients, so you can be sure of a solution that suits your exact needs.
Whatever you choose, you can rest assured that all of our shock cord assemblies are designed to exacting standards, so you can rely on them to perform even in the most demanding conditions. For more information, give our team a call at +44 (0)1706 360 363, and we will be happy to assist.